Tag Archives: concious

The Opening


Throughout life we make choices that we may or may not be too proud of.
I am guilty of making those choices myself.

I am constantly at war with my conscious.

Being on the losing end in a war with your conscious may only mean making one mistake a year; however that one mistake can be one that can do more harm than all the work it took to keep thyself away from making it in the first place.

My life is mostly pristine when it comes to making the right decisions to get to a point that most people do not believe they can reach.

I always believe in myself and always stay optimistic.

Is that optimism too much?
Is there such a thing as having too much optimism?
Always believing things can get better or will be better?

Is my optimism comparable to the same level of optimism in a gambler? Continuously taking chances, only to know that one day those chances will run out?

I believe in karma more than most; however will I see my karma return within my lifetime?

Or have I not given as much good karma as I think and therefore my returns aren’t what they are because…

It doesn’t matter the day or night…I will continue the fight.

No matter what people may say or think…I will always hold my head high.

I believe in myself and I believe in my decisions…although I do not agree with all of my decisions.

Life is a journey and I’m on this path of life until my life ends…regardless of how it ends…I want to continue to leave a positive imprint and impact on as many lives I touch and not harm another life as long as I breathe.

Whether that touch comes from speaking, writing, my friendship, my compassion, companion ism, I will be there for all mentally…all I ask is for is to receive the same…

R. Vann Eleven